Trash Talk: How a Garbage Truck Modeled Creative Ingenuity
Playwell Bricks designer Paul Lavallée wants to talk about the garbage trucks we designed for Orchestry.
In a recent team meeting, we were discussing some of our favorite moments over the past fiscal year and the custom garbage truck/bin truck model we made for Orchestry came up. When our CEO Jason was designing this set, he turned to the team for suggestions on how to improve the arms. He wanted the arms to be able to pick up the dumpster, lift it overhead, and dump it into the truck without any issues.
That’s what made Paul speak up. “The fact that, as a group, we brainstormed and came up with ideas for literally four pieces and how they interact with each other in order to make it work properly. That blows my mind.”
I flipped through to the records of the project, counting no less than five team designers offering their input. What really impressed me is the way each designer pressed for the functionality of these arms. It was a puzzle that each of them was eager to solve, and which they made short work of once they’d begun.
“It’s just the little things we do as a group to get things perfect," says Paul. "As silly as which arm to use on those little trucks which were what? Sixty pieces? Sixty-five pieces? It’s just an incredible amount of attention to detail that we have as a collective to go through these different kinds of iterations of arms for such a small, simple model.”
Jason has mentioned to me more than once that some of his favorite final projects were ones that had multiple team members coming together to brainstorm how to get it just right. Or simply pooling their talents to the betterment of the final products, like we did with the Proximus superhero. Jason has taken the time to put together a design team with experience, skill, and ingenuity, and that shines through in the products we make for our clients.
If you’d like to put the Playwell Bricks design team to work delivering your company a corporate advantage, don’t hesitate to contact us and set up a discovery call. If you’d like to know what to expect from such a call, check out our FAQ page. If you’d like to feel better prepared for your call, this article might help. We can’t wait to build your dreams!