October 29th, 2024
Stop investing in VAMPIRE gifts 🧛
Dear Brickfans,
Have YOU ever been bitten by vampire gift? 🩸
You know the type: gifts that drain your company’s resources and fail to build the brand engagement you need. The stakes are high (and pointy!), but don’t break out the garlic necklaces just yet: Playwell Bricks is here with a few tips to keep you from getting bitten this gifting season. 🦇 🧛

Did you know that in 16th-century Germany, it was believed that bricks had the power to stop a vampire? Hmm... 🧱🧛
Have a very happy and safe Halloween, everyone! 🧛🎃👻 And remember: no matter how spooky it gets out there, Playwell Bricks is here to build your dreams. If you have an idea for a custom-designed gift, but you're not sure if it will fly, contact us today! Our team of designers will work with your ideas, goal, and budget to help you build those dreams WITHOUT getting bitten.🎃