From Hacker Station to Sidekick Security Station
parts count: 170
Dimensions (CM): 12.9(W) x 12.8(L) x 10.2(H)
Some set designs are easier than others. This set, designed as an employee gift for Sidekick Security, falls into this category for Playwell Bricks CEO and lead designer Jason Pyett.
As an IT security company, Sidekick Security wanted a custom Playwell Bricks set that showcased their security staff in action: in the office and at their computers, protecting their clients’ digital structures from harm.

Years ago, Jason designed a custom hacker station for Google when they rolled out their Bug Hunters Program, and he was able to use that set as a jumping off point for this Sidekick Security office. Combining this with another work desk, more computer screens, and creating an office wall came next.
Sidekick requested a white board and visuals on the computer screens. “This was the first time I used AI for such an application,” Jason tells me. Using the client’s direction and AI tools, Jason was able to come up with something familiar to Sidekick Security employees without revealing any proprietary information outside the company. “Being able to use AI to generate the graphics this way was a real time saver!”
“The client was very enthusiastic and fantastic to work with,” Jason goes on. “Re-using past work and repurposing it this way is a great way to create a project for a client without the need for a completely new design, thus saving them some money.”
In fact, the only hiccup on this project was finding a black hoodie for one of the minifigures, specifically requested by Sidekick Security. When Playwell Bricks’ supplier had no black hoodie torsos in stock, Jason had the torso pieces custom printed instead. As hiccups go, it was an easy one to navigate for this seasoned team!
If you’re searching for an employee gift that represents your team or something that they’ve accomplished, contact Playwell Bricks today! Our team of world-class designers will work with your ideas, budget, and goals to help you build your dreams!