' POV: the mind of a designer – Playwell Bricks
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POV: the mind of a brick designer

After weeks of hounding, one of the Playwell Bricks designers finally agreed to talk to me about their passion for bricks, but only if they could remain anonymous. They have their reasons for that and I’ve been told to tell you that “it’s not because the other designers will tease me.”


“Each brick, in all its geometric simplicity, holds the secret to infinite potential,” they tell me, erasing all thoughts of teasing.

“Designing Playwell Bricks sets has expanded my imagination again and again. The beauty of these bricks lies in their inherent flexibility; there are no limits to what you can create if you just let your mind wander.” They lean forward. “That’s the sweet spot, when you break away from conventional thinking and allow something like whimsy to take the reins. It’s a lesson in innovation, urging you to experiment with form and function in new ways.”


I resist the urge to hand them my pen and notebook. “Have you learned anything from designing that you’d like to share with our readers?”

“Mistakes are not the end of creativity, they’re the beginning of new pathways. So many times, my failed attempts have led to a completely unexpected design breakthrough that I would never have arrived at by any other direction. Creativity flourishes when you allow yourself the grace to screw up and the courage to keep building.”

“That’s something Playwell Bricks CEO Jason Pyett has brought up a few times,” I tell them, “he’ll be pleased to know that he’s created an environment where others can feel the same.”

The designer nods into their coffee, suddenly shy again.


I glance at my notes. “Jason’s also mentioned going through multiple levels of creativity over time. Do you a have sense of that?”

“Absolutely. I think that play is a big part of that. I’m very lucky that my design work often feels like play. Hitting that sweet spot of creativity that becomes this spontaneous, joyful process of flow.”

I think of my own experience with flow, knowing that I need to be alone to truly achieve it. “Is there a mental shift you need to make in order to work with others vs alone?”

They nod. “There was certainly a learning curve there for me, but I’ve learned that creativity really does thrive in the presence of diverse perspectives. Sharing ideas, building on each other’s concepts, and coming together to solve design challenges have proved that for me. I’m proud to be a part of this team.”

chances are good

I try to coax them into letting me use their name for the article, but they still refuse. “What if our clients like your attitude and want to request your design services for a custom Playwell Bricks set?”

They grin. “Take a chance. We’re all Playwell Bricks here.”

There you have it, folks. If you’re interested in a custom Playwell Bricks set designed by one of our world-class designers, there’s a chance you might get the services of this well-spoken, but shy bricks designer. Why not take a chance and contact us today?


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