' From Landfill to Longevity: Pioneering Reusable Plastics in Branded Me – Playwell Bricks
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From Landfill to Longevity: Pioneering Reusable Plastics in Branded Merchandise

Sustainability is on a lot of people’s minds these days and when it comes to branded merchandise and swag, it can be difficult to know what choices are sustainable and which are not. If that’s a question weighing heavy on your mind, let’s take a deeper look at where Playwell Bricks lies on the sustainability scale.

Some people look at the bricks Playwell Bricks uses in their custom sets and think, “hmm, those are made of plastic, aren’t they?” Indeed, they are, but it’s important to establish the difference between one-time-use plastic and reusable plastic.

One-time-use plastic is just that: plastic that’s used once and sent to the landfill. Most plastic packaging falls under this category. As a way to combat one-time-use plastic, Playwell Bricks offers a more sustainable paper option to clients. At this point, this option is more expensive, though the team does hope to see a shift in these paper-vs-plastics expenses in the future. If you want this option for your custom corporate sets, please let us know! With clients like Bain Capital requesting custom sets for Virgin Voyages, the first cruise line to ban all one-time-use plastics from their voyages, Playwell Bricks understands your need for sustainable choices.

Next up are the reusable plastics. Are the genuine LEGO® bricks Playwell Bricks uses in their corporate custom sets reusable? Are they ever! These bricks can be combined with other sets to create new models, they can be taken apart to be rebuilt again and again without ever wearing out, and more so than typical branded swag, our custom sets are more likely to be passed onto family members and friends rather than when your employees are done with them.

Playwell Bricks CEO Jason Pyett knows all about how bricks are a big part of the circular economy. When he first began Playwell Bricks as a not-for-profit, he was scouring secondhand sites to buy up LEGO® bricks to use in the creativity workshops he hosted at his local family center and school.

This follows through to today. When Playwell Bricks hosts a corporate workshop, the bricks used in the workshops are then given out to children’s organizations. When your giftees tire of their custom Playwell sets, there is no need to toss them into the garbage. Bricks are easily cleaned with soap and water, and children absolutely adore brick sets, new or old. The LEGO® Group also hosts a re-play program for any genuine LEGO® bricks if family and friends are not an option.

Does the “R” in brick stand for Re-use? Well, that’s ultimately up to your giftees, but it certainly should!

There’s another “R” Playwell Bricks keeps in mind as well: reduce. Playwell Bricks is an international company with clients around the world. In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, our team works to consolidate Playwell’s processes – from ordering bricks, design and production of the sets as well as packaging, as well as shipping the sets, to the same part of the world that these sets are destined to arrive as much as possible.

If you have any more questions regarding Playwell Bricks’ commitment to sustainability, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.


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