' Every Brick Counts: The Dual Impact of Playwell Bricks Workshops
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Every Brick Counts: The Dual Impact of Playwell Bricks Workshops

While you may be familiar with Playwell Bricks as the internationally respected design company that it is today, Playwell actually began as a not-for-profit. CEO Jason Pyett started Playwell Bricks as a means to encourage creativity in children, hosting workshops at the local family centre and schools.

Despite his success, Jason hasn’t forgotten where he came from. Playwell Bricks wouldn’t be here if those years hadn’t given him the experience and education in bricks that he now uses to design corporate custom sets from genuine LEGO® bricks.

That’s why, whenever Playwell Bricks hosts a corporate workshop using bricks to engage and inspire teams, Jason adds the cost of the bricks used in the workshop to his fee. He does with the host(s) understanding that those bricks will be donated to a children’s organization after the workshop. It isn’t unusual for these bricks, usually several boxes of “classic” bricks, to contain a thousand dollars’ worth of bricks.

“When I was done with the not-for-profit, I literally gave tons of bricks to whomever; the family centre here, the daycare, places like that. When I started doing the workshops, I thought it would be a great way for the corporations as well as us to give back,” explains Jason.

He does ask for a tax receipt for the donation, as “it is a taxable donation.”

“Since everything we do now is the result of working with children, this is a perfect fit. I always try to find a way to give back, and this is one small way.

“On top of that, to help people become more aware of local children’s organizations, we ask them to comment on the giveaway posts we put up on Playwell Bricks’ Facebook and LinkedIn pages,” says Jason. He knows firsthand how important visibility can be. “It really is a win-win for everyone involved.”

When asked what requirements a children’s organization has to have in order to enter these giveaways, Jason shrugs. “I’m not picky. It just has to be about kids.” And, of course, be able to give Playwell the tax receipt.

If you’re entertaining the idea of hosting a workshop for your team and are intrigued by one that also gives back to the community, don’t hesitate to contact us through the button below.

If you’d like to know more about the brick workshops Playwell Bricks provides and how bricks can engage your team while also enhancing their problem-solving skills, you can learn more here. 

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