' A day in the life of a brick designer – Playwell Bricks
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A day in the life of a brick designer

Every morning, your friendly neighborhood brick designer gets up, does some exercises, and warms up their fingers by clicking some bricks together. This is an important step to making sure they’re not sore by the end of the day.

Next, they get their mind limbered up by doing their favorite head stand yoga pose. This gives them the opportunity to look at their bricks upside down, which helps them gain new perspectives on the way bricks are put together.

A healthy breakfast comes next. Our designer likes to cut celery, carrot sticks, and toast into rectangles and squares, to see what they can build out of their meal before they wolf it down.

the work day

After a few stretches, it’s time for them to hit the Stud.io software. They refresh theirself on what they were working on yesterday before picking up where they left off. They often like to listen to the soundtrack of their favorite RPG game in the background, and sometimes they’ll join the team Discord channel for some coworking with their fellow designers.

A few hours later, it’s time for a walk to clear their mind and get the blood pumping. Sometimes, if they’re stuck, the walk outside will wiggle a few bricks loose, as it were, and they’ll return to their design studio refreshed and full of new ideas on how to make the bricks click.

A few more hours and it’s time for lunch. No brick-shaped food this time, to give their mind a break. You have to think outside the bricks sometimes!

In the afternoon, they get the sticker designs from the graphics department and try them out in their renders. If they look great, wonderful! But sometimes the stickers need a few tweaks to get them just perfect for the client.

After that, the box design is slated for approval and wow, it’s gorgeous. Just the inspiration they need to put in the final design hours for the day.

finishing up

At the end of the day, they clean up their bricks, sorting them by colour and size, before closing up their design studio for the day. They’re fairly tired, but they’ve also got a new bricks set at home that they’re excited to put together. Looks like tonight might be the night!

If you’d like to commission your own custom Playwell Bricks set for your business, contact us today! Our team of world-class designers are waiting to put their skill and dedication to work helping your build your dreams!


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